May the glory of Independence be with us forever! Let’s celebrate the spirit of Sri Lanka altogether. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
Let us make this day our inspiration to stand high and mighty. Be proud to be a Sri Lankan. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
Celebrate the day with a bunch of silent prayers for those who have made it possible for us to live in a free nation. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
With compassion and friendship, there is greater unity in the country and the walk towards successful independence is hence easier. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
May the glory of Independence be with us forever! Let’s celebrate the spirit of Sri Lanka altogether. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
Feel the pride of being a part of such a glorious Nation. Here are my warm wishes for this auspicious day. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
With compassion and friendship, there is a great unity in the country and hence it is easy to move towards successful independence. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.