Sinhala Farewell Wishes, Messages, Quotes, Nisadas | Sinhala Farewell Subapathum

My best wishes to you for your new chapter of life. You’ll be missed. Goodbye!

ඔබේ ජීවිතයේ නව පරිච්ඡේදයට මගේ සුභ පැතුම්....
You’re one of the best people I’ve ever met. Best of luck for new life and farewell! 
මම සැමවිටම ඔබව අගය කර ඇති අතර සෑම විටම ඔබ වෙනුවෙන්ම සිටිමි. සමුගැන්මට සුභපැතුම් !------


I’m lucky to have an amazing co-worker like you in my workplace. Thank you for all the things you’ve taught me and helped me in my work. Farewell and best wishes for your new position.

ඔබ වැනි විස්මිත සම සේවකයෙකු මගේ සේවා ස්ථානයේ සිටීම ගැන මම වාසනාවන්තයි. ඔබ මට ඉගැන්වූ සහ මගේ වැඩ කටයුතු සඳහා මට උපකාර කළ සියලු දේ සඳහා ස්තූතියි. ඔබගේ නව තනතුර සඳහා සමුගැනීම සහ සුභ පැතුම්..


Bidding farewell to the most amazing, energetic, and supportive person at work. May you have a great career ahead. All the best and keep us in your prayers. We will always miss you!

Thank you for adding more value to the company and helping to shape it in a better way. Nothing but all the best wishes for your future. I hope you achieve more great things in your future and be more successful.

Saying goodbye is sometimes a part of life. But our memories will always speak for our true friendship wherever we go. Farewell friend!

I wish you everything the best because that is exactly what you deserve! Goodbye! We will meet again soon. Take care of yourself!

You are leaving a ton of memories with us today. You’ll be missed by each and every one of us. Have a great journey to your newest destination!

Farewell dear. It doesn’t matter if you’re with us or not, your work will always inspire each and every person in this office. Wish you all the best!

You’re the kind of employee any boss would like to have in their office. It’s no wonder you’re going to a bigger place. Wish you all the best!

Some goodbyes are hard to accept. But we just have to part ways because our lives and destiny want us to. Take care dear, wherever you are. Goodbye and stay happy, always.

Farewell to you all. It was a pleasure being with you. Have a safe journey ahead. God Bless you and do stay in touch.

We feel lucky to have worked under your supervision. Your guidance will be missed every day by each one of us. Farewell, Sir!

No matter where you go, we will always be connected in our hearts. My heartiest good wishes will be with you always. Farewell dear friend!


You are not only a great teacher but also a great human being. There are so many things that we have learned from you! You deserve the best farewell!

I have learned so many things from you. We shared some really wonderful moments together as colleagues. Thank you for everything!

Bidding you goodbye is one of the toughest jobs, but we are very happy about the new opportunities you are getting. Farewell senior. You deserve all the best things.

You have always been a great companion for the journey. Saying goodbye to a companion like you is hard for me. Wish you all the best for your new life!

It’s tough to say goodbye to you. Your memories will keep you alive. Farewell!